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The Insider's All Stars

Thanks to the more than 100 contributors who have graced our pages for the past 3+ years!

Sandy Adler

Viviene Ayres

Ruth Balin

Madeline Barry

Marty Barry

Matthew Beck

Olive Beck

Sienna Beck

Willa Beck

Helene Bednarsh

Pernel Berkeley

Laura Berman

Russell Bikoff

Shira Brewer

Dr. Shelly Broder

Steve Cash

Naomi Cohen

Neil Cohen

Robin Cohen

Shary Cohn

Charles Cole

Michael Cole

Barbara Collier

Mary Coombs

Gwen Cooper

Mickey Davis

Doug Dworkin

Joel Dzodin

Susanne Dzodin

David Fink

Bonnie Fishman

Jane Fishman

Dr. Nancy Fishman

Amy Lennard Goehner

Lisa Goldberg

Brian Grant

Eric Green

Dave Greenbaum

Lauren Grossman

Polly Halfkenny

Jeanette Handelsman

Merrill Lynn Hansen

Janice Horowitz

Renee Horowitz

Frieda Hughes

Mitzi Jacobs

Aileen Jacobson

Stephen Koepp

D’vorah Kost

Julie Mann Kraus

Andrea Kwok

Ben Leeds

Sophie Leeds

Laurence Lerman

Marieke Slovin Lewis

Dr. Barry Lubetkin

Jeffrey Markowitz

Judi Markowitz

Michael McQuillan

Anokhee Mepani

Joanna Migdal

Jackie Minghinelli

Matt Nadelson

Albert Naglieri

Anita Newman

Robert Osborne

David Perel

Debra Perron

Fred Plotkin

Charles Polit

Mitchell Polstein

Guillermo Porras

Evelyn Renold

Alan Resnick

John Rolfe

Victoria Rolfe

Wendy Rollin

Dr. Jeffrey Sachs

Lauren Sachs

Dr. Sonia Ehrlich Sachs

Anita Saesing

Miral Sattar

Joseph Schulz

Jessie Seigel

Emmy Serviss

Naomi Serviss

Susan Shapiro

Dr. Tony Shields

Bruce Shlain

Susie Silverman

Tony Spokojny

Tobye S. Stein

Patsy Swartz

Stephi Tikalsky

Alex Treblin

David W. Tubman

Debra Turner

Bill Tynan

Josh Van Gundy

Debby Waldman

Don Was

Susan Weill

Estha Weiner

Morrey Weinner

Judith Weinraub

David Weiss

Lydia Hope Wilen

John Woodford

Dr. Fayth Yoshimura


1 Comment

Jul 25, 2023

Such a fantastic honor roll and pleased to be part of it. Top honors to Andi for such an innovative newsmagazine to not only get us through the pandemic but to have us pause, reflect and really think. THANK YOU

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