By Sienna Beck / New York City

Hello, readers, it’s me, Sienna Beck. My last two articles were on school and vaccines, but this one is on the past year and looking into the New Year.
The past year has been very busy and confusing for me. I’ve had remote/online school (until June) and in-school-school (since September). I’ve had a birthday (in October), and I’ve met a prime minister (of Barbados). I’ve been on about five trips this year, so I’m worried I’ve forgotten to do a lot of things during my free time which I’ve chosen to use just relaxing and reading.
Also, with Covid on my shoulders, I’m kind of confused with what’s going on, and lots of things have been happening while I’m in my daze. First of all, most of the pharmacies, including Rite Aid, near us have closed. And of course, I love some of the party places and arcades such as Chuck E. Cheese, but most of them have closed. And Covid holds me back from having indoor parties and playdates.
No offense, but me not getting focused isn’t helping me in life. Neither is homework, nor is the cold. I get distracted whenever I do anything, and then it stays unfinished. Like my stories, for instance. I start a story, decide I don’t want to finish it “at the moment,” set it aside and… never work on it again because I forget. Sorry, I just can’t help it! And during Covid, it’s happening more and more. !!
I see in the future just more Covid. *sigh* I hope that Covid calms down, settles itself. Usually, I fall asleep at 10:00 p.m. each night, but every time I try to sleep, I “wake” myself back up with a nightmare about one of my family members getting Covid. This is why I like to clear my mind out somehow, from talking to the wall to singing it out while I’m brushing my teeth.
As I look back at 2021, I remember how excited I was for a new year. I hoped it would be a good one (it was, kind of) because everyone was telling me that Covid would be over by then. But it wasn’t, and I’m upset.
Even though so many down things are happening in my life, I also have some things to be grateful for. I’m grateful for our food. I’ve been hearing there have been shortages in nearby supermarkets and some families have been suffering but we still have a jam-packed fridge and freezer. I also feel lucky to have water and ice. I’m lucky to be able to afford life resources,
and to be able to also enjoy vacations with family.
But I hope in 2022, not just my family can do all these things we’re able to do. I hope everybody can have a break in some way. A day off from work, a vacation off in L.A, a visit to a grandparent, anything.
Now you know what my life in 2021 was like, and I hope you stay put for another article soon! (Soon as in next month, probably.)
I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
Happy holidays!
Sienna Beck

Sienna Beck is a 9-year-old author who loves writing short stories. She goes to a camp called Writopia, and once entered a play contest and was selected to have her play professionally performed by trained actors. Sienna has two sisters, Willa and Olive, and they all go to P.S. 87 in New York City. Sienna likes animals, including pets and mostly dogs. She also wants to be THE PRESIDENT when she grows up.
I’m so happy you finished writing this piece. I am looking forward to hearing more from you in 2022. 😊