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"I'm Volunteering for Combat Duty in Ukraine"

Updated: Apr 8, 2022


The Insider:

Hi! Ready to start our text interview?



The Insider:

Would you like to use your real name or a made-up one?


Prefer made-up. Lynx.

The Insider:

Okay! Let’s talk a little about your background. Where do you live?


Brooklyn. Born in Ukraine. City of Odessa.

The Insider:

How old are you now?



The Insider:

How old were you when you left Ukraine and came to the U.S.?


8, in 1989.

The Insider:

Do you speak Ukrainian?


No. Russian. But understand some of it.

The Insider:

Was Russian spoken in your house when you were growing up?



The Insider:

Of course, I’m interested in what you think about what is going on now in Ukraine. It’s a tragedy!


It is. But I will be very objective about this.

The Insider:

Do you still have family members there that you are in touch with?


No. They are all here or other countries like Israel.

The Insider:

What do you think the U.S. should be doing now to help Ukraine? Is President Biden doing enough?


I have to bring this into a broader context before I give the final answer. Russia and Ukraine have an official border. Yet you have people in Ukraine who want to be part of Russia and Russians who want to be part of Ukraine. Wars and Loss of life is a Tragedy and Putin is an idiot for wanting to take WHOLE of Ukraine. He clearly didn’t think this through. What it really comes down to is to keep doing what we have been doing such as supplying weapons until Ukrainians and Russians finally figure out who they really want to be a part of. If certain regions of Ukraine want to be part of Russia, we should support their decision.

So my answer would be: Yes. We are doing more than enough. Unfortunately, Putin took a terrible approach on how to make that happen.

The Insider:

Are you involved in activities now to help Ukraine?


Yes. I worked with Anonymous hacker groups. I used my special system that I initially developed to decimate scammers call centers and used it on the Russians. Also did other funky stuff such as sharing my powerful servers to steal their data. I will upload some intercepted phone calls on my YouTube channel soon. Also stole their Governments private data from the ministry of defense and all their passwords.

The Insider:

The Russian Ministry of Defense?



The Insider:

Is that legal?


Not in USA hehe but we’re technically at cyber war with the Russians so I doubt the FBI would care.

Lynx volunteered to join the IT Army of Ukraine, an amateur hacking group targeting Russia

Lynx volunteered to join the IT Army of Ukraine, an amateur hacking group targeting Russia

The Insider:

Where did you learn to do hacking?


That’s a long story. I would say I started in high school when I figured out the algorithm that generated credit card numbers so I could get Free AOL service, which I resold. Back in those days, it took months for AOL to attempt to charge the #s I generated.

The Insider:

Did you ever get in trouble because of it?


I learned hacking out of necessity more or less. Plus I’m a prankster and always created funny ways of messing with people. I never got in trouble. Mainly probably because I never did anything bad to anyone. Worst thing I did was infect a schools computer with a Trojan [similar to a computer virus] and during class, I displayed weird funny memes.

The Insider:

Do you have a military background?


Yes. I am an Army Veteran and served in Iraq as an infantryman.

The Insider:

How many years were you in the Army?


Combined 8

The Insider:

And what sorts of things did you do in the Army?


I was infantry. We are the guys who are at the front lines. Also did some time with Scouts (Recon).

The Insider:

Help me understand what that means.


Infantry is what does the Actual fighting.

The Insider:

So you were under fire?


Sometimes. I was in a weird part of Iraq where it was really quiet for the most part. But enough where I lost a few friends.

The Insider:

That must be awful! Did you see people dying?


By the time I got to them, they were already either dead or wounded. But I’m infantry. Wasn’t my job to do any of that. Medics usually handled that end while me or someone like me pulled security.

The Insider:

Were you ever injured yourself?


Injured yes but it was really mild. Nothing crazy. Mostly my back when the truck almost flipped over due to an IED [Improvised Explosive Device].

The Insider:

That sounds very dangerous!


That’s the job I chose but then they put me in scouts and I haven’t seen a single firefight for almost 6 months. Recon is extremely boring and overrated lol. I prefer to be in the fight.

The Insider:

Did you ever have to shoot anyone?


Ye but most of my missions were at night and we were all shooting at general direction. So not sure. But there were dead Iraqis laying around after we were done. Or wounded.

The Insider:

What was that like for you?


Scary but at the same time very difficult. I always hated running. Between fear and pain of the actual fighting, it sucks. Plus you’re trying to focus on the mission and working with the rest of your element. Shoot, move and communicate. It gets overwhelming.

But the strange part is… After it’s over, for the most people including me, u wanna do it again. That’s why a lot of people volunteer.

The Insider:

Are you thinking of volunteering to go to Ukraine?


I already did but from what I heard, I don’t think I wanna go anymore.

The Insider:



Most Americans don’t even fight there because Ukrainians don’t want to antagonize the Russians and I don’t wanna pull guard duty. Plus most Russians don’t even wanna be there so I would hate to kill some poor kid who thought he was going to some exercise. Main reason is I don’t want a BS job or just sit around.

The Insider:

How did you volunteer?


I sent an email to Ukrainian embassy and filled out the application. The option is there and I can be there in a week if need be.

The Insider:

What does your family think you should do?


They don’t know lol. I wouldn’t tell them unless I was already there.

The Insider:

Are you married? Do you have kids?



The Insider:

So you really could pick up and leave.


Did it many times before.

The Insider:

But you’re rethinking it now?


If the situation changes where I would get to be engaged in actual combat then I wouldn’t hesitate. Sitting in a bunker or guarding stuff is something I really don’t want to do. Especially in the cold. This is why you don’t hear about any actual combat deaths of Americans. Most are not even fighting unless they got “lucky.”

The Insider:

You’re really ready for the fight!


Would rather die being useful for a great cause than old age where I can’t even hold the pee in. Combat is the safest place to be. If you do everything right, you will be OK. More people die from heart attacks, cancers and drunk drivers than combat. At least in combat, you have a fighting chance. No pun intended.

The Insider:

What about the danger of dying in combat?


Like I said, would rather die in combat than car accident, old age or heart attack.

We all die anyways. Some ways are better than others

The Insider:

How much of your motivation, do you think, is that you’re originally from Ukraine?


My motivation is what the Russians are doing to civilians.

The Insider:

Have any of your friends who are vets applied to go to Ukraine?


No. They haven’t. Most of my friends don’t want to risk their careers.

The Insider:

Their military careers or their civilian careers?


Civilians. Doctors, lawyers, etc.

The Insider:

What kind of work do you do?


I’m in a Legal Field

The Insider:

Different than being on the front line. Sounds like you miss the military life.


Ye but I’m also getting older

The Insider:

I’m curious what you did to apply for the Ukrainian military. Are their embassies accepting applications for their army?


Ye i just emailed them

The Insider:

Are the Americans there getting paid?


No one is getting paid

The Insider:

Is it okay if we reprint that? {See top of story]


Block my face out plz

The Insider:

Yes, absolutely. And you sent that to the Ukrainian embassy in New York City?



The Insider:

What date did you send that?


Emailed them last Monday and they sent me a response by wed [see below].


The Insider:

So did you then send that application?


No. Waiting for the new passport which they need. But it’s coming any day now.

The Insider:

Coming from the U.S. government?


Yes. US Passport. Can’t get to Poland without it

The Insider:

Would you say that you’re on the fence now about going? Not sure whether you’re going to go or not?


If they could reassure me that I wouldn’t be pulling guard duty I would say I’m 80% certain I would go. But here is another issue. From what I’m hearing, Zelensky and Putin ironed out a few issues and pay come to terms about something. So it may be over in a few weeks. Besides… Russian soldiers are running out of ammo and food and can no longer sustain their mission. They lost the initiative long time ago.

Putin might keep Donbass, which is fine. Most wanna be part of Russia anyways. So let them.

The Insider:

It sounds like you have some sympathy for the soldiers from Russia. Are they getting a raw deal?


They don’t want this war as much as we don’t want it. They deliberately sabotage their tanks and armored vehicles at this point. I have their intercepted calls

The Insider:

Not sure what you mean by that.


When the Russian soldiers call home

The Insider:

You can listen in?


Not me but I have access to them, I work and go to school full time. But once I find the time, I will upload them to my channel.

The Insider:

If not you, can you tell me generally who intercepts these calls?


No. Sorry.

The Insider:

I am very grateful for your time! Is there anything else I should have asked you?


Yes. How I pay for the servers to do all this. It’s not cheap. Especially the SIP Trunks [an Internet service used for calling regular phones]

The Insider:



I pay everything out of pocket lol

The Insider:

It sounds like you like being a hacker as much as being a soldier!


I’m both

The Insider:

You like the danger of it? Living on the edge of danger?


Hard to explain.

The Insider:



I don’t mean to sound sadistic, but I love trolling people. Hacking lets me do that. I generally messed with scammers. As far as the Army, I did love the Rush. Minus the carrying heavy crap and running.

The Insider:

Good luck In your decision about Ukraine! Please let us know what you decide.


Sure. Will prob be a last-minute thing.

1 Comment

Mar 26, 2022

Wow! Chillingly fascinating guy!

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